:Nissan Leaf
From mynissanleaf.com forums:
Vehicle: NISSAN Leaf
Year Range: 2011-2011 Fit Type: Top
Factory Rack: Naked Roof Weight Limit: 125
Tower/Attachment: Q Towers Required Accessory: None
Crossbar Length: 48″ CrossBars Recommended Fairing: 44″ Fairing
Front Clips/Landing Pads: Q116 Rear Clips/Landing Pads: Q116Notes
82. Any load extending over the leading edge of the windshield (except luggage boxes) must be secured to both the front and rear of the vehicle, in addition to the rack.
114. Check clips after installing. Grab each clip and try to pull them hard away from your vehicle, twice. If the clip moves after the second pull, tighten the adjustment post. If the clip still moves after the second pull, recheck your measurements between the towers and adjust if necessary. Check clip again.
132. Any load/mount extending beyond the rear hatch seam may cause interference.
144. Roof-mounted antenna may need to be removed to prevent interference with long loads, boxes.
161. Maximum allowable weight load is 125 lbs.
180. This fit requires the use of current generation Q-Tower (4 Pack PN 8000124 or 2 Pack PN 8000135). Contact your local dealer if you have questions or call Consumer Service at 888-925-4621, Option 2, from 7am-5pm Pacific Time M-F.
187. Boa bike mount will not work due to crossbar spread limitations.
191. StrapThang limited to 2 surfboards. Boards must be stacked – DO NOT carry side-by-side.
197. Foam blocks limit capacity to one boat per vehicle.